Wednesday, August 29, 2007

the Voice

You ever heard the voice of god? I am pretty sure i haven't but the other night i doped up (and when i say doped up i mean a few pills) to get some sleep and I was half asleep when in the base of my skull i heard this voice and it said something that i am sure was important but I don't remeber it. I remeber how the voice sounded and waking the rest of the way up and thinking that's what the voice of god should sound like. it even gave me goose bumps. That thought lead to a whole line of thinking about using and being closer to god. Needless to say the drugs weren't enough to help me sleep once my brain started down that path. My hubby dosed me again and I drifted off to sleep trying to write my mothers name in her handwriting in my head. there is somethign about drawming a Cursive upercase D the way she does that will make you feel like you are on a roller coaster. God bless vicadin..and the voice of vicadin bless God
Sweet Dreams,

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