Sunday, September 16, 2007

The better man

you ever have one of those dreams where you find a better part of yourself? I laid down to take a nap with while david took care of the kids and i was just beat down. I fell asleep almost instantly. I wondered through my dreams and then in my dream i thought i have to wake up and help David with the kids. I have no idea why i thought this. Besides this being a very busy week I have hardly seen David and the kids have seen him even less. The one thing he did not need was my help. But there it was all the same. In my dream i woke up at my mothers house which is where i spend the majority of my time lately and it was night. I was thinking that I had overslept and I needed to head home to help out. I walk outside and it is raining. I walk to my car and notice that the windows are cracked and that there is stuff that was in my car scattered on the driveway. I am annoyed that my car has been broken into again and then i notice that there is someone asleep in the back of my car. I get upset and yell 'get out of my car!' a black man with a beard and a beanie hat on wakes up and snaps back at me 'I want a job!' I realize that he is just trying to stay out of the rain and tell him that I am going to be inside and maybe he wants to rest for another thirty minutes. I go back inside.
We are in a Bed and Breakfast with a politician (played by the hot guy from sideways who was also in george of the jungle) and his financers. they are watching the polls or something on the tv that is not giving a good report on how the canidate is doing. The canidate is talking to his asistant telling her about how at heir next fundraiser he is going to get madonna. The financers come over to the two of them and the canidate starts to tell them about this outragous plan involving Madonna. The finacers tell him he is not a good bet and they are pulling their money. The canidate looks shocked as if he had no idea that he was doing something wrong, and the finacers say 'a man of privlage could never understand the populace in need' (i think) the canidate walks out of the room silent and down a hall he opens a thin door to a bedroom and reaches around and pulls a cord or something and a flight of stairs is reveled. there might have been some kind of drop down thing. a small boy and the guy who plays harry potter lean there heads out and look at the canidate. the harry potter guy says 'oh dear its a 15 flight tantrum' and then walks out of the room on roller blades holding a briefcase and dressed casually. 'come on...i have to catch the (some time) train, i don't have time for this.'
I walk into the living room and pick up my keys ready to go, the kids need me. It is sunny outside and i walk to my car i see that all the clothes are folded in the back seat and the guy is gone. I look around for him and see him walking away by the park. I catch his eye press my hands together and bow my head. He waves back then turns and keeps walking.

with my liberal background you might think this is my subconsious making a statement on the current administration, but my subconsious isn';t very political in fact my subconious isn't all that found of my mother so it abhors politics in general. wich is okay because my waking mind enjoys it. I woke with a feeling of being a slightly better person. I felt good about my relationship with the guy and odd about the canidate. I think this was me trying to create some good feelings in my head. i have been pretty presed to the limit and this was the first time i felt like i had interacted ina p[ositive manner in my community. I think what i really need is to go to church and get filled again.
Sweet Dreams

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