Sunday, July 15, 2007

Old Lovers

A tumble, and when i use the word tumble i mean very harsh fall, from a bike coupled with pain pills and followed by a high fever and toncillitis, will give you the most amazing dreams. None of which you will remember when you wake up and the pain pills fade and the fog clears from your brain. You wake up feeling slightly rested and annoyed because you can only chase the tails of those rich vivid dreams. Though perhaps the fact that you can't recall those dreams is a blessing. maybe a part of the pain comes our in your dreams. Maybe deviant dreams fill your brain so your body can heal. Maybe there is some portion of your body that has to expel such vile cirumstances and the only place to do that is your dreams.
I fell off my bike banged my face all to hell, sprained my knee, scraped up most exposed surfaces, and got a nasty knot on my forehead. The EMTs came cleaned me up and made me promise to go to the hospital. Once there my body was subjected to alot of testing and xrays and left in a leg immobilizer and with crutches. There is something so violent about this process of being hurt that it last over several days. Not all your bruises rise to the surface until 3 days later and parts of your body hurt that weren't even dragged accross the street behind your bike. It is terrifying that it takes three days for your body to finally say,' this is all that is hurt, take inventory and fix it now.' and then months upon months to heal. while for the most part i walk without crutches my knee will still twing every now and then. I fear my neck will never be quite the same and I kissed all my high heels goodnight for at least a few months until Crocs stop feeling wonderful.