Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Woke up screaming

I had a bad dream last night. Everyone is asking me what my dream was about but dreams aren't ever that easy. When I say a bad dream i really mean a whole series of mini dreams that seemed to be tied together. From dark voices whispering about my daughter to a long story about a tortured queen. While just saying it like that makes it seem fairly benign it isn't really. I did wake up screaming...and woke up half my household in the process. I often wonder if my dreams are so vivid and sequential because I am part of the hollywood generation. Movies have a strong influence in our lives and I often find that I am in the middle of a dream and thinking 'what good cinemtography.' My dreams have special effects and fade from one scene to another. The only problem is that they don't really have much of an ending. I either wake up or I move to another dream entirely. It is disturbing in the case of the dream about the queen. Apart of me really wants to know the bloody end. Another part of me wonders what my subconcious is telling me. Perhaps that it is time to write again and to focus on something other than house. Though after I woke up and David put me back to sleep I did have a dream about being at my mothers house and there was piles of laundry everywhere!! As I say it now it probably wasn't so much a nightmare as my brain trying to tell me to stop being nurotic about laundry. The worst part of dreams is that no matter how hard I try I can't recall all the pieces of the story. I know it was a great story I just can't remeber why.

Leona's Lullabye

Pale Moon
In a golden sky
Sing her praises
As she floats by

Bright Stars
Accross the sky
Sing her praises
Don't ask why

Strong River
Flowing fast
Sing her praises
As she flows past

Sweet Grass
Strong and green
Sing her praises
Soft and keen

Song Bird
Soft and Proud
Sing her praises
Oh so loud

Little Girl
Fast asleep
Sing her praises
Her dreams to keep